Learn Forex Trading With 3 Favorite Forex Game App On Android

1. ForexHero

ForexHero immediately made me addicted when I first played it. This forex game design is simple but attractive, full-color, and easy to follow. ForexHero is perfect for lay people who want to learn forex trading from scratch, especially for those who are interested in fundamentals.

Once entered into the game, players will be treated to 4 menus, namely: School, Quiz, Trend Predictor, and Top 5 Brokers. In the Schools menu, traders will be invited to learn to understand the basics of forex and fundamental issues that affect money market trends.

The material in "School" is useful for answering questions in Quiz and Trend Predictor. The "Trend Predictor" menu is a kind of quiz that tests player skills in reading the direction of currency movements during certain fundamental conditions.

While the "Top 5 brokers" seem more like a kind of endorse page brokers who sponsor ForexHero games written in the form of reviews.

Each menu provides rewards in the form of "virtual cash" in Dollars if the player follows orders or correctly answers the material on each of the menus. Virtual cash obtained will determine the ranking of players globally.

Although this game is in English, the explanation in the material uses a general and easy to understand sentence structure. The size is also light, only around 9.2 Mb and can be played offline. The following is the ForexHero download link.

2. Go Forex

Go Forex has a menu layout that is not much different from ForexHero but is simpler and less eyecatching than ForexHero. However, the Go Forex sub menu and material are more complete, more sophisticated, and more complex than the first game I reviewed. Go Forex not only sharpens general knowledge about forex through fundamentals, but also provides technical basics.

There are 4 menus provided in the Go Forex game:

- Learn (study),
- Quiz (quiz),
- Top 10 (list of forex brokers) and
- Trade (trading).

In the Learn menu, Go Forex includes 8 basic materials for learning forex trading, all of which can be learned in 40 minutes. These materials include how to read charts to understand social trading (copy trading). GoForex24 describes the forex trading learning materials procedurally and is very easy to understand.

For the Quiz menu, Go Forex designs it in a number of sub, where the topic can be selected according to the material that the player has learned first on the Learn menu. Points that have been collected in this Quiz are useful for "unlocking" the Trade menu, which is a real time trading simulation.

Required to pass 10 lessons to unlock the Trade menu. He cried again, Go Forex was equipped with various languages ​​including Indonesian. To choose a language, you can click on the symbol on the top left. This game can also be played online or offline. The following is the Go Forex game download link.

3. Forex Game

Forex Games do not use a quiz by question system, but directly confront traders on a chart whose price movements are real time. It can be said, Forex This game is similar to a demo account in brokers, but its use is simpler. The instruments traded are only 3, namely EUR / USD, USD / JPY, and UK / OIL.

It's so simple, Forex This game tends to be a game for learning forex binary options trading. After logging into this game, players only need to estimate where the price will move whether up or down. Chart in Forex This game is updated every 5 seconds. The player's trading results can be shared to social media, and due to price movements used in real time, this game requires an internet connection. Here is the Forex Game download link.


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