Forex Learning By Creating a Reliable Trading System

There are many ways to learn forex trading. You can take part in training or seminars that are held in big cities, browsing forex learning sites on the internet, or playing forex game apps on android. However, there are also alternatives to learning forex by making a reliable trading system.

Creating a reliable trading system requires a process of repeated testing where together with that, many things can be learned. Basically, learning forex by creating a system like this can be called "learning by doing". The advantage of learning forex trading like this is that you will find it easier to know when it's ready to "launch" your trading career. When is that? Yes, when a trading system is made it has been proven to produce profit.

Creating a Trading System

Terms Before Starting to Learn Forex by Making a System
Like going to take an advanced course, then of course there are "prerequisite courses" that must be taken and passed first. In this case, the prerequisite courses must be mastered first:

1. Know the rules and how to trade forex

Among the rules and methods of forex trading are about the time for forex trading, the concept of buy / sell and leverage, and the types of orders in forex. If you still have a shadow that forex trading is like exchanging foreign exchange at a money changer, then the illusion needs to be removed until it is not left over. Have the right picture of how to trade forex, it will be the beginning of your career journey, even though at the beginning you can't do anything.

2. Have trading tools and know how to operate trading software

Forex trading is a lot of favorites because it can be done online, but some are not aware that you need to "have" the tool that will be used for online. It would be very difficult to learn forex trading well so that it is able to make a reliable system, if the computer or laptop used for trading turns out to borrow a neighbor or rental. This is because when testing the system, you may have to repeatedly check the parameters installed or change the position, in contrast to the trading of masters who installed Pending Orders and then left behind. It's not really convenient if the gadget is a loan.

Furthermore, if you already have the tools (don't forget the internet connection also needs to be checked here), the next step is to install trading software. Decide if you want to trade using what software. There are many choices, but Indonesian traders usually start with MT4 (if the author, first start with Streamster). On the plus side, almost all forex brokers provide MT4, so just choose to register for one of them, then download the MT4 trading platform they provided.

If it has already been downloaded and installed, try using it. If confused, there are many tutorials on how to use MT4 on the internet. If confused with verbal narrative, you can find the video on Youtube. Aroundforex also has a tutorial video about it.


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