Bitcoin Trading VS Forex Trading

Bitcoin Trading VS Forex Trading

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cripto type of currency (cryptocurrency) which when it is started is widely used for online transactions and trading.

The history of bitcoin (from several sources), was discovered by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 but it seems that it has only begun to be widely used and traded since 2011.

At first Bitcoin emerged as a payment tool to cover the weaknesses of the existing electric payment instruments, where Bitcoin offers advantages in the form of:

- transaction costs are very small, almost none

- faster delivery process

- Anonymous (no need for owner's identity)

- High security

Why is Bitcoin attractive?

1. Modernization of payment methods

Before the presence of bitcoin, if we want to have an online currency we have to do several stages of account verification, so it seems complicated. Whereas having Bitcoin is not necessary. Bitcoin is considered easier and shorter to use for payment.
With this "anonymous" nature, the identity of the sender and recipient is unknown, so it is not worried about identity theft

2. Limited bitcoin amount

It has been calculated by the system that bitcoin will only be produced as many as 21 million BTC. So if in the future more and more people use bitcoin then the value will continue to increase.

How does bitcoin start trading?

Besides the advantages offered by Bitcoin itself, it cannot be denied that there are now many online goods and services stores that provide payments using bitcoin, so that many people choose to use payments using bitcoin.

Because not everyone can mine Bitcoin themselves, the market for bitcoin is emerging, as a place of buying and selling bitcoin, where the price of bitcoin is determined by supply & demand. This change in supply & demand for bitcoin has made the price of bitcoin to vary, until it is finally used by both investors and speculators to make a profit. Until finally creating a more crowded bitcoin trade like now.

What is the difference between bitcoin trading and forex trading?

For a trader, because the purpose of trading is to profit from the difference in price, there is almost no difference. Bitcoin is just one asset to trade, as well as Gold, Oil, EURUSD and others. Bitcoin is just one option to trade.

Except in the context of investment, an investor will exchange his money for bitcoin, to have bitcoin physically, and hope that his value will increase.

Is bitcoin trading more profitable?

which is more profitable between bitcoin and forex?

this is a comparison of forex trading with bitcoin trading

- Can you get 100% profit in one transaction?

1. Forex trading can generate 100% profit in one transaction, can occur in 1 day. Because the amount of profit formula is the point obtained by X perpoint value per lot X number of transaction lots.

For example: initial capital of $ 100, transaction volume of 0.1 lot where the value per point is $ 0.1, and get 1,000 points. This might happen because on average in 1 day the forex chart can move above 1,000 points

The risk: we can also lose 100% in one transaction if our analysis is wrong

2. Bitcoin trading can generate 100% profit in one transaction, but it takes several days, weeks or even months. Because the movement of bitcoin only averages 5% -20% in 1 day. so 100% profit from one transaction cannot be done in 1 day

The risk: the loss is not up to 100%, loss is only a few percent.

- Risk of losing money

1. In forex trading you can lose all your money, if your analysis is wrong

2. In trading trading bitcoin your money will not disappear all, because the value of bitcoin will not reach 0 (zero)

That's the main comparison of bitcoin and forex trading, others are more similar.

Where can we get bitcoin?

- If the purpose is to trade, own, invest or to be used as an online payment tool, then you can do this through the Android App.

Don't forget to enter "" at the last stage, friend, as the information provider

- If the goal is to take advantage of trading, you can trade Bitcoin, gold and forex so here is the easiest place:

Don't forget to enter, select the type of "Standard" account so you can trade BTC

TRADING BITCOIN on Metatrader 4

Currently there are many forex brokers that provide bitcoin trading. However, some brokers only provide bitcoin trading for Standard and higher types of accounts. For micro and cent accounts not available.


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